Monday, October 12, 2009

Rewards of Real Estate

What I like about real estate is what I can do for people. When they say, "Thank you, Tim, you changed my life. I couldn't have done it without you," that is its own reward, not any money that may come from transactions. And you have this warm fuzzy feeling with them that will last a long time.

Yesterday, my wife and I were walking around the Graduate Hospital area of Philadelphia. I had a listing over on there that I referred to another realtor when I transitioned to referral real estate. It was a total wreck. Inside and out.

We took a detour and looked around the place. People were living there so I couldn't go in of course. Nor did I have a key. They had totally redone the downstairs, maybe the upstairs too, I couldn't see. They had opened it up where it had been a dank hallway and a tiny living room previously. Around back, where there had been a crapped up "yard," about a 5-square foot dog poop-strewn bunch of dirt, and a falling down concrete block fence, they'd repaired the broken window, paved the yard, torn down the wall, and had a nice driveway. Excellent.

They had taken a wreck of a house, made it theirs, and improved the city in the doing. Fantastic. I wish everyone would do that.

I'm trying to create a more informed real estate customer. Is this working?

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