Monday, November 23, 2009

Ideal Agent Trait #3: Listening

The ideal agent listens to what you say. If you tell the agent you want to look at two bedroom, one bath houses in South Philadelphia priced under $250,000, and the agent shows you three bedroom, two bath houses between $450,000 and $600,000 in Washington Square West, dump that agent and get a good one.

A caveat: it's okay if the agent shares information with you on houses which are larger, more expensive, outside your chosen area, or different from what you asked for some other reason. I've done that in down markets where you could bid low and be successful, which meant you could get into more house for the same amount of money.

But that conversation always followed something like this one: "I've given you information on 25 houses that meet your specifications. Pick between 5 and 10 houses you'd like to see and I'll get us in there. But I think you should consider these more expensive ones as well. I know they're different from what you told me, and it's okay if you don't want to see them, but I thought it was in your interest to tell you about them. Just look them over and see what you think."

I'm trying to create a more informed real estate customer. Is this working?

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