Monday, October 5, 2009

Set a plan

When you're looking, set a plan. Decide to see about X number of houses, where X is not more than 10, definitely not more than 20, then if you haven't seen the house you want to make an offer on, recalibrate.

If your agent has taken you to 20 houses, and you can't find one that fits your specifications, you need to rethink something. I actually think the cap should be 10, but that's just me.

Maybe look in a different price range, different area, so on. That doesn't mean that if a house comes open that fits what you want in the category you've sworn off you can't go look at it. You just have to think, "if I've seen 20, and none of them are right, what are the odds that the 21st will be any different?"

Of course, the market might change which can realign the playing field. The market is a lot like that game that comes in a box, and you tilt the surface this way and that to nurse a marble past the holes to the end.

I'm trying to create a more informed real estate customer. Is this working?

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