Thursday, September 17, 2009

Look in the Mirror

The first step in improving your credit score is to start behaving in ways that cause credit scores to be low. Pay your bills on time. If you're behind on any, talk to your creditors and work out a plan. Offer in writing to pay them on time and include a check with your offer. Chances are they will accept your offer which means they can stop worrying about you and go on to their next problem. Then, keep your bargain with them. If you do that, your credibility will soar in their eyes.

If you are being hounded by collection agencies, do not avoid them. Talk to them. Chances are you will be able to work something out with them. If not, you know more what you're up against.

If you really feel hopeless, find a credit counselor in your area. Many non-profit agencies have them. They'll work with you. I would not pick one I have to pay, thought, except as a last resort and then check them out so you know they're on the up and up. The last thing you want is to be victimized by the very folks you engaged to help you get out of being victimized.

If you are in this bad a shape, though, you should probably put aside the idea of buying a house right now until your finances are in order.

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